Youth Projects

‘Healthy Lifestyle Means Happier Life!’ Overview

Do you think you have a healthy lifestyle?

“Healthy lifestyle means happier life!” was a project supported by the European Commission through the Erasmus+ grant and it took place in the area of Poiana Rusca Mountains, in a small and green village named Tomești (Timiș county) on August 21-30.

The project brought together 30 young people and a trainer from 6 countries – Romania, Bulgaria, Turkey, Egypt, France – and provided training to overcome the problem of unhealthy eating, focused on building healthy habits, improving physical appearance through exercise, walking in nature and increasing personal motivation.

The main objectives of the project were to work on the three levels – mind, body, soul – to gain a greater awareness of what a healthy lifestyle means and to increase the quality of life for them and also for the people in their communities.

Within the project, each participating country had the opportunity to promote its traditions, food and customs in the cultural evenings. The participants learnt about new cultures, managing to overcome stereotypes and make intercultural friendships.

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